Jam@ECH Sunday, 27 September 2020

Dear valued members, good news!
CLDAS and EA will be holding the first jam since the circuit breaker in April 2020. Our jam will be held on 27 September 2020, from 5 pm to 9 pm, directly after the CLDAS AGM, at 2 pm.
In compliance with the government’s guidelines for crowd control, the number of attendees will be capped at 30 pax, not including committee members. No walk-ins this time.
Attendance is by registration and pre-payment. Entrance fee is $4 for CLDAS & EA members, and $5 for non-members. Persons who wish to attend should email 20thagm@cldas.com to register. Payment can be made by PayNow (UEN number: T00SS0167A), or bank transfer (OCBC account 501-513188-001).
Please take a screenshot of PayNow receipt and forward to 9090 6876 with your name. PayNow only indicates payment from bank account and no name is indicated. So forwarding a screenshot to CLDAS Hotline is required both for membership verification and registration purposes.
First priority will be given to members who attend the AGM; next CLDAS and EA members, and finally non-members. After registration, attendance can be withdrawn and a refund given, provided that notice is received by Monday, 21 September 2020. This would enable us to contact other people on the wait list. Failing to notify the Association will lead to forfeit of entrance fee and a loss of priority when registering for future jams. Registration will be opened till 12 noon on 15 September 2020 for members. After that we will accept guests.
Dancers will have to observe the 1.5 m safety requirement at the dance floor and sit some distance apart from one another. Wearing of masks is required, and only can be removed when dancing on the dance floor. Sharing of food is, unfortunately, not allowed. Temperature and Safe Entry check in is at the EA reception counter.
Dance List
We are still working on it. It will include easy dances, evergreen classics and favourite dances.
It may seem weird, but it’s going to be FUN! FUN! FUN! See you there!
Jessie Chan
Events Chairperson